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I don’t know how to write this blog. I will do my best because Troy would do his best if the situation were reversed. I’ve known Troy for many years, long before he came to work at United Way in 2017. When we advertised for the campaign/new media director, Troy applied. He did it at 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline. I replied was he sure. He was sure and he was stupidly afraid we wouldn’t want him. I came to know 11:59 pm was part of his prime time. 

I know he knows how much I loved him, and I hope he knows how much our community loved him. We have received the most remarkable outpouring of support from our United Way family of staff, volunteers, and board members, from his Veterans community (and I admit I understand Semper Fi far more today than I did before). Troy was always faithful, Semper Fi. And of course, Troy was a dedicated Rotarian. Troy lived a life of service to others. United Way is better for his work, love, and dedication to all of us. 

We did a staff exercise last year thanks to Jane Hogan. Jane is Luke Hogan Laurenson’s mom. I had worked with her briefly as she worked on a nonprofit for Luke’s work. And she shared a poem Luke wrote. As our staff exercise, I shared Luke’s poem and had each member of our team write theirs. We shared them together. Without Troy’s permission, I think his poem sums him up better than I could and in his own words, here is Troy…

I dream about freedom

of the open road and no particular destination.

I would visit national parks, tour Independence Hall,

and see the turning of leaves in New England.

I dream about traveling to far off foreign lands

of jet lag, guidebooks, and mangled conversations.

I would savor that first shot of espresso, get lost in a market, and wander in ruins.

I dream about growing old with her

of making every day count with my best friend.

I would make breakfast in bed, hold hands, and rub her feet.

I dream about the stars and the infinite expanse of the universe 

of black holes, quasars, and galaxies.

I would travel faster than light, walk on new planets and marvel at alien sunsets.

I dream about God, the Boundless, and the Universal Sound

of the Big Bang, quantum foam, and the singularity.

I would ask “Why are we here, what’s it all for, and who are You?”

I dream about Freedom.

To freedom, to Troy, you will be missed and remain in our hearts forever,