Well, that whole one at a time thing I guess is true for how things start to be collected.
But I honestly don’t remember how United Way started collecting PEZ dispensers. And by the time we were paying attention, we had collected more than 760! We started them when we had our office at 711 E. Main, which was more than 15 years ago. The collection moved with us to Spring St. where they lined the office. One year, one of the staff members received remote control helicopters for Christmas which landed the PEZ in boxes! Diane did have a lot of fun and still does! We moved them with us to McAndrews and ultimately to our permanent home on Hawthorne. I always said an intern would inventory and sell them on eBay to add to our endowment! We have the perfect intern this summer. Bianca Pezqueda is spending her internship with us cleaning up, having picture day, and listing the collection on eBay! And her last name really is PEZqueda!
Check out our eBay listings or make an offer. Here are a few samples.

Here’s to a happy PEZ summer!