Some Days…

Some days are amazing. Someone nice sends you flowers. At United Way, we have the best volunteers who brighten my day just being part of our work! I was pretty sure the florist as at the wrong address! Thanks Pat and thanks for being on our WiLL Council!
We had a WiLL Council meeting yesterday that was amazing. It had a real, honest, deep check in about how people are. That can carry anyone for several days.
And late last week, as I was leaving work, I saw a man walking on the side street with a clipboard full of papers. I wondered if he was headed to United Way. Thank goodness I circled back. I wouldn’t likely have met Aaron if I had just driven on home. Aaron was sad we were closed already and I talked to him. He needed some assistance from our COVID fund and he was looking for housing. He was working hard at it. I offered him a virtual hug. He said, “Wow, I felt that!” It made me feel like I was just hugged back!
He came back the next day to talk to me through the window. He even placed his hand on the glass. He made my heart feel good. And today, he’s found a place. He’s moving in! He faced a lot of barriers and looked them straight in the eye and tonight he’ll be in his new place! He’s busy putting in applications for jobs and finding furnishings for his new little place.
People often want to know people we’ve helped and I’ve always shied away from it. I like to share the stories and the gratitude from those we’ve helped. Here are some quotes from families we’ve helped with our COVID19 Fund:
This helps me immensely. Thank you, Sylvia
Thank you so much for getting back to me 😊 Megan
Thank you so much. You have no idea no how much I appreciate this! Kelly
So very Thankful! Thanks! Jim
Thank you so much! You’re the best and you made my day 💕💕💕 Thank you Sierra
I don’t know you, but I imagine that your heart is big and full. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and tell you how grateful I am that you are able to put this together. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am looking forward to the day when you and I get to meet! I hope I can give you a hug! Gratefully, Kim
We have already received several calls from needy families and have started distributing gift cards to them. Most have been laid off from their jobs and have no source of income. As we move through the uncertainty of what the future holds for these families and for our own families as well, we are uplifted by the outpouring of love from the community. It’s been a truly humbling experience and there have been a few happy tears shed knowing that our supporters stepped up to ease the way of our immigrant brothers and sisters. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Another example of love in action!! Blessings to you! Kathy
Thanks so very much for your help. On behalf of our entire board of directors, please know how much you’re appreciated. Always, Dennis
Wow! Thank you so much! Ron

And I’ll leave you today with this photo. Here’s a photo of who we’ve helped. This is the stack of checks and back up we’ve processed as of last Saturday. It’s about to fall over. Thank you all for being part of it! Stay well!