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“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.”

 – Eleanor Roosevelt

As calendar years go, this has been a long one. As many of you know, we lost a beloved staff member, Troy Ferguson, in April and we continue to miss him a great deal. In July, we lost a beloved board member, former board president and “the smartest guy in the room,” Don Kania.

While we have always accepted memorial gifts and gifts in honor of people, we will now do so formally through our PayPal link on .  Don served on many boards of directors along with ours through his career as a physicist. He had a unique lens on life. One of the companies he served has prompted this formal move to add memorial contributions to our website. Here’s a note from Intuitive’s Board of Directors:

Don standing in a grey suit with black background.

“We were deeply saddened to learn of Don Kania’s passing. He was a valued member of the Intuitive Board of Directors for 6 years, known for his quiet wisdom and endlessly curious nature. Don was an insightful, intelligent, and compassionate executive. He had a unique and extensive business experience that enabled him to provide thoughtful guidance on any topic. He was always willing to jump in wherever he was asked to help and had a knack for connecting seemingly unconnected strategic points. Don saw problems through a unique lens that provided exceptional solutions for consideration. He will also be remembered as a joy to be around. Don will be dearly missed as a colleague and our good friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time. With Kindest Regards,

“Intuitive Board of Directors”

We all have special people in our lives and as Eleanor Roosevelt said, life is about those footprints in our hearts. We are a better, stronger organization for both Troy and Don, and we will move forward with the footprints in our organization and on our hearts. Please know as you continue your life’s journey, there is a way to forever remember your loved ones through United Way of Jackson County.

And onward, we will go with heart prints, handprints, and footprints.