“We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.”
–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I lost hope this week and thought for a day that the world just broke. All that is rather dramatic I know. Saturday morning, I learned our classroom building roof was leaking again. I jumped into notification mode and knew the room was being used by community groups today and tomorrow.
In my slow Saturday mode, I came over to Medford to see what the damage was and hang out for a roofer. And wow how incredibly fortunate.
United Way of Jackson County purchased this sweet little campus in 2017 to create community space. Last year, the buildings were used by 17 different community partners 85 separate times. And today, Rogue Valley Street Dogs was here. It was so sweet to go into the classroom and see all the perfectly behaved dogs waiting for flea and tick medicine, rabies vaccines, well pup checks and everything else going on in the room.
My heart was filling up. And then our auditorium was being used by Bridging Communities for training kids who have a sibling with autism. What a beautiful thing. My heart is overflowing and hope was restored. It’s why we bought this campus. I happened to be chatting with a Street Dog volunteer and mentioned Bridging Communities was next door and it’s quite likely a new partnership was born!
It’s a beautiful rainy Saturday with a leaky roof.
PS I just walked over to check on the classroom and Rosa from Bridging Communities made me a quesadilla! She pressed the tortilla and warmed it up! Wow I even got warm food in my belly. How lucky am I?!