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About Us


Mobilizing caring to affect change.


Creating positive community change.


Everyone has a pathway from

healthy birth to career success.

Everyone has good health.

Everyone has a foundation for a secure future.

Everyone participates actively in community.


United Way works for youth opportunities, financial security, healthy communities, and community resiliency so every person in our community belongs.


We take the broadest possible view of diversity as we continue to learn and be inclusive.


the visible and invisible qualities that make you who you are.


that every person brings a unique perspective and experience to advance our mission and progress our work for youth opportunities, financial security, healthy communities, and community resiliency so every person in our community belongs.


that each United Way partner, donor, volunteer, advocate, employee, and person served must have equal access to solving community problems.


to include belonging practices at the center of our daily work.


to using these practices for our business, our communities, and our relationships. Join us in embracing belonging for every person and every family in our community.


United Way works for youth opportunities, financial security, healthy communities and community resiliency so every person in our community belongs.


the pain and wrongdoing that racism and ethnic discrimination have inflicted on Black, Indigenous, and people of color. We understand this acknowledgement is a necessary first step to healing and reconciliation that will lay the groundwork for a growing, collaborative, and thriving community.


structural racism in the workplace, schools, and community ethnic discrimination and other forms of oppression have contributed to disparities which United Way seeks to dismantle. We know this is challenging and can be uncomfortable to talk about. We acknowledge discomfort is normal and invite community members to engage to bring about true change.


that these disparities have existed in the past and persist in the present. We are committed to learning about and understanding our biases and seek to understand ways we can do better every day and invite the community to help and inform us when/if we fall short.


that these inequities are the result of policies and practices that work to marginalize entire populations of people. We are committed to changing racist, systematic policies and practices.


and stand against racism and ethnic discrimination because it undermines the well-being and vitality of our communities, so we pledge to stand up and support all affected by racism. We are laying ground to heal and grow together through understanding and reconciliation.


to engage community members, especially those whose voices have traditionally been marginalized. We work with local people, businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and faith communities to co-create solutions that ensure everyone has the resources, supports, opportunities, and networks they need to thrive.


to leveraging all our assets (convening, strategic investments, awareness building, advocacy) to create more equitable communities.

WE …

do this together because disparities are real. We vow to help educate the community on the dangers of racism and help teach how to avoid racial aggressions, racial stereotypes, as well as raise awareness of the issues and concerns associated with this problem within our community.


We are here because this land was occupied, and its traditional people were displaced by colonists and settlers. As settlers and/or guests, we recognize the strong and diverse Native communities in our region today, from Tribes both local and distant, and offer respect and gratitude for their stewardship of these lands throughout the generations.  We encourage you to learn about the land you reside on, and to join us in advocating for the inherent sovereignty of Indigenous people.  We stand on the grounds of the Shasta, Takelma and Latgawa Peoples.

The Values of the United Way of Jackson County

We bring together our
diverse population to discover and deliver solutions
to the challenges which
impact the health and well being of all of us.
We offer opportunity, encouragement and inspiration within our community to care for one another.
We provide the ability to grow, collaborate and transform for individuals, organizations and communities.
We help people fulfill their potential and improve lives in our community by informing, advocating, convening and facilitating human services.
We are honest and trustworthy providing clarity, consistency and strength in our mission.
We embrace belonging for every person and every family in our community.

Accountability Standards

  • Finance and Investment Committee manages financial and investment policy, hires the independent auditor, serves as uncompensated volunteers, and has four CPA members.
  • Board requires staff to be responsible for accuracy, fairness and completeness of financial statements
    and IRS 990.
  • Have established procedures for anonymous report of any financial concerns and ensure that any report is fully investigated.
  • Have established procedures for anonymous report of any financial concerns and ensure that any report is fully investigated.
  • Conflict of interest and code of ethics for staff and volunteers are updated annually.
  • Accounting and records retention policies regularly reviewed.
  • 360 degree evaluation of CEO/Executive Director.

990s, Audited Financial Statements and Annual Reports to the Community for United Way of Jackson County

Our Staff Directory

Dee Anne, CEO, UWJC Executive Director
Dee Anne Everson

CEO/Executive Director
Email Me

Anna Barnsley Werblow

Chief Financial Officer
Email Me

Will Young

Community Impact Director
Email Me

Dalia Silva-Moore

Impact Director
Email Me

Debi Jensen

Office Manager
Email Me

Bethany Raya

Community Impact Director
Email Me

Katie Stumpff

Director of Giving & Engagement
Email Me

Leah McLaughlin

Accounting Manager
Email Me

Our Governance Board for 2024-25


Becky Snyder

Community Volunteer

1st Vice President:

Dr. Bret Champion

Medford School District

2nd Vice President:

Jessica Murrey

Wicked Saints Studios


Chris DuBose

First Interstate Bank


Jason Lukaszewicz

Rogue Credit Union

Erick Acosta

Road to Success

Angela Beeks

Human Bean

Amy Belkin

Teresa McCormick Center

Joshua Blesse

Prestige Fencing LLC

Brande Cowden

People’s Bank of Commerce

Brenda Doggett

Community Volunteer

Ed Felan 

SilverTree Wealth Partners

Penny Garrett 

Community Volunteer

Anne Golden

Community Volunteer

Lisa Greif 

Two Rivers Legal

Aaron Hoefling

First Interstate Bank

Jeffrey Hollister 

Regence BlueCross BlueShield

John Howard 

Community Volunteer

Beth Lindsay 

Community Volunteer

Frank Lucas

Community Volunteer

Robb Mayers

Outlier Construction Company

Laura Millette

Phoenix – Talent School District

Catherine Noah

Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center

DL Richardson

Southern Oregon Education Services District

Susan Sauder

Providence Medford Medical Center

Belle Shepherd

Oregon Health Authority

Sue Slack

Community Volunteer

Mariah Smith

Rogue Credit Union

Rebecca Smith

Community Volunteer

Dan Thorndike

Medford Fabrication

Eric Torrey


Cooper Whitman

Pacific Power

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