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Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

Our VITA/FSA site is Open February 5th to April 10th, 2025 for the 2024 tax filing season!


Free Income Tax Assistance Programs

United Way offers two in-person options for our FREE tax preparation programs: Volunteer assisted or Self-service. Income limits apply. Language support available for Spanish speakers.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) – Let one of our IRS-certified volunteers prepare your taxes for you. VITA provides free basic income tax preparation services with electronic filing. Available for those who made $67,000 or less in 2024. 

Facilitated Self Assistance (FSA) – Have you wanted to learn how to do your own taxes or want to take control of your tax experience? FSA provides taxpayers access to a workspace, computer, printer, and easy-to-use tax preparation software (TurboTax). The onsite facilitator pays the fees for your filing. Available for those who made $100,000 or less in 2024.

FSA appointments are for you to prepare your own return using Turbo Tax and we pay the filing fee.  You will not receive the same level of tax support as you do in a VITA appointment, although there will be someone on site to answer questions.


Enter the Harry & David campus at 2600 S. Pacific Hwy. Drive over the railroad tracks. Second building on the left.  Look for two large white tents to the left and follow the TMAC signs around the building.

To schedule your VITA or FSA appointment:

  1. Go to the website.
  2. Look for “FREE TAX HELP” in bold on the page, then click on the VITA/FSA logo or the orange “VITA” link.
  3. Click link to the left (either VITA or FSA)
  4. Select tax appointment (this will give you the option to choose English or Spanish)
  5. Select date and time for preferred appointment.
  6. Click on the green button that says,  “book it”.
  7. Fill in the provided boxed with name, last name, phone number and email etc.
  8. In the “SMS appointment reminder preference” add cell phone number to receive text messages for your tax appointment. (optional)

Nuestro sitio de VITA/FSA comienza el 5 de febrero hasta el 10 de abril, 2025 para los impuestos de 2024.


Programas para asistencia gratis para preparación de impuestos

United Way del Condado de Jackson ofrece dos programas en persona para preparación de impuestos GRATIS. Asistencia voluntaria o autoservicio. Se aplican limites de ingresos. Hay personas que hablan español.

Asistencia Gratis para preparación de impuestos (VITA) – deje que uno(a) de nuestro(a)s preparadore(a)s certificados por el IRS le ayude con sus impuestos. VITA ayuda con servicios básicos gratuitos para presentar electrónicamente sus impuestos. Disponible para gente que hizo $67,000 o menos en el año 2024.

Ayuda auto facilitada (FSA) – Usted puede hacer sus propios impuestos? FSA le da acceso a Usted la capacidad de presentar sus impuestos con un espacio de trabajo, una computadora, impresora, y programa de preparación de impuestos (Turbo Tax) La facilitadora en el sitio paga las tarifas de su presentación. Este servicio está disponible a la gente que hizo mas de 100,000 o menos en 2024.

FSA es un programa independiente.  Alguien estará disponible para responder a las preguntas que tiene.


Donde: Teresa McCormick Center, 2600 S. Pacific Hwy, Medford, OR 97501

Entre el campus de Harry and David y maneje pasando las vías del tren, busque a dos carpas blancas a la izquierda y sigua las señales que dicen TMAC atrás del edificio.

Para hacer su cita en línea:

  1. Vaya a la página
  2. Busque el deletreo que dice FREE TAX HELP en la página, y haga clic en el deletreo que dice VITA en color anaranjado.
  3. Haga clic en el botón anaranjado que dice VITA o FSA a la izquierda de la pantalla. Lo llevara a la página para hacer su cita.
  4. Lo llevara a escoger el idioma que prefiere (inglés o español)
  5. Después a escoger el día y tiempo disponible para su cita
  6. Haga clic en el botón verde que dice “book it”
  7. Ponga su nombre, apellido, correo electrónico y número de teléfono
  8. Donde dice “select SMS appointment reminder preference” ponga su número de teléfono para que reciba mensajes de recuerdo para su cita (opcional)


Para preguntas, por favor contacte a Katherine Gamble:  541-864-5092

Para asistencia en español, por favor contacte a Dalia Silva-Moore:  541-773-5339

Assistance for Taxpayers of Any Income

MyFreeTaxes helps people file their federal and state taxes for free, and it’s brought to you by United Way.


MyFreeTaxes is a free, safe and easy way for individuals and households of any income to file their own simple federal and state taxes online for free. It is the only free, national, online tax filing product offered by a nonprofit. MyFreeTaxes provides more forms than any other free product on the market.

MyFreeTaxes connects users to one of two self-preparation software options based on their income. In addition, for users who need more support filing their return, MyFreeTaxes can connect you to a virtual VITA service.

Start by clicking on the logo at left.

United Way fights for the financial stability
of every person in every community.

Through VITA, FSA, and MyFreeTaxes, we give people financial education and tools to build a solid foundation
that improves their lives and the lives of their children.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) creates access to the single most effective, efficient national anti-poverty program in existence — the earned income tax credit (EITC) for working people. And VITA volunteers make sure people get all the credits they have earned.

For millions of Americans, tax refunds and credits are essential to their financial stability and success. The single biggest cash payment that low-to moderate-income individuals or families receive is often their annual tax refund. As a result, tax time is a critical financial inflection point, that when used strategically, can positively impact a family’s financial future. This results in thriving communities where everyone has more opportunity to succeed.

Amy, a college student and single mom works hard to make ends meet for herself and her little boy. “He’s my everything – I’d do anything for him”.

When Amy had her taxes prepared at her local United Way Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site, she learned that she qualified for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Amy says she’ll use her EITC “to pay off debt, to buy new clothing, to put food on the table…little boys grow very fast! It’s important for him to see we can reach our goals, no matter what’s in front of us.”

VITA helps millions of workers like Amy keep more of what they earn to pay for things like reliable transportation to get to work, housing, and food.

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